Most marketers aren’t “data-Driven”

Here at HIT - We actually are

HIT was founded on the premise that truly great digital marketing is done when there is sound data behind it. Too many times data strategy and insights have been omitted from the budget lines of marketing departments and inevitably, marketing suffered.

Our founders grew tired of playing that game in every industry they were a part of (Pro Sports, Banking & Finance, Marketing Agencies, Tech, Healthcare). They knew that to truly be valued, they had to position themselves to show the “no-brainer” effect of how organizations truly cannot afford NOT to have marketing analytics.

“Can you really afford not to be data-driven?”

- A real question our founders asked a VP of marketing when told having data is A luxury

The bottom line is most organizations don’t get it. They willingly cut data strategy and marketing analytics when the going gets tough and then wonder why ROI suffers. If you can’t understand performance, you can’t strategize for success. Plain and Simple.

If you want to understand the passion our founders have for having real marketing analytics strategy, reach out and schedule a call today.

Be intelligent about your marketing efforts