Custom Dashboards

built for


Understand all your marketing efforts in a single source of truth

On Average marketing teams spend UP TO 6-8 hours a week ON Pulling Data*

*Source: Gartner Research 2022

That’s over 300 hours a year!

HIT streamlines THAT DATA process into

real-time, Customized

dashboards & InsightS

allowing you to SAVE YOUR TEAM


& focus on better Marketing

Dashboard Options


    • Automated connection to your marketing channel

    • Fully customized dashboard matching your organizations design pallet

    • *Real-time data updates and filtering

    • Completely Shareable via download or live link


    • Automated connection to your marketing channel

    • Fully customized dashboard matching your organizations design pallet

    • Aggregated channel metrics in a single source of data truth

    • *Real-time data updates and filtering

    • Completely Shareable via download or live link


  • A custom solution for complex marketing data pipelines.

CONNECT ALL YOUR marketing sources

**Additional sources available to connect. Connecting multiple marketing sources requires advanced pricing plans

Who can benefit

  • Marketing Analysts are constantly looking for insights. Having a dashboard that brings all of your marketing sources together takes the heavy burden off collecting and more on analyzing.

  • Owning your own business is hard enough and marketing is complex. Imagine having all your marketing data at the click of a button via a customized dashboard.

  • Can see an all in one customized view of marketing efforts via a stunning dashboard.

  • Setup beautiful dashboards to monitor all of your content pipelines in one place.

Marketing Analyst - Pro Sports Industry

“My day was packed with extracting tedious channel level data until i worked with HIT to eliminate 10-12 hours a week in data extraction time. Now I have all my Media Performance Metrics In one easy-to-use Dashboard.”

Director - Entertainment Industry

“data is essential in today’s marketing world and creating dashboards with HIT helped us understand where to maximize our efforts.”

wanna know more?

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